Penny Wise PPE Protection Inc.

Worcester, MA, 01603 Phone: (508) 556-4285 View Website

Company Information

Penny Wise PPE Protection was founded by EMT’s as a direct response to the gaps in PPE we experienced while combating the pandemic. Ethan Lutz, Founder & CEO, was deployed to NYC in the Spring of 2020 with FEMA to provide support to NYFD. While there, he observed that every healthcare provider, even those in the military staffing the Javits Center field hospital, were storing their N95 masks in paper bags. While safer than plastic bags, paper bags can still harbor the Coronavirus for up to 24 hours 1 , and when masks are stored in the bag throughout the day contamination from the surface of the mask can spread to the interior of the bag. This surface contamination can then spread to the interior of the mask upon subsequent storings, ultimately exposing providers to contamination that can lead to infection. Penny Wise PPE Protection is the first company to address the urgent need for a safer PPE storage solution with our Copper Clean bag. The Copper Clean bag is lined with an advanced germicidal fabric that kills bacteria and viruses on contact. The fabric is naturally self sterilizing, and as such mitigates the risk of cross contamination infecting the user. Copper is one of the oldest known germicidal substances, having been used by the Phonecians to sterilize their wounds, in India to store water, and as water pipes in more modern times. Penny Wise PPE Protection incorporates time honored technology to help mitigate bag-to-mask cross contamination and thus protect providers and first responders from preventable infection. The Copper Clean bag ensures that first responders and other front line personnel are equipped to store their mask in a safe way free of surface contamination. The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed weaknesses in the PPE supply chain, and as a result of the subsequent shortages, front line staff are often forced to reuse PPE. If PPE is to be reused, it is even more pertinent that the storage methods employed are free of contamination. Penny Wise PPE Protection is the first company to address the shortcomings of existing methods of N95 storage with our copper lined Copper Clean bag.

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Wholesale or Distributor
Number of Employees
0 - 10 Employees
Year Established
Private Corporation
Annual Revenue
Below US $100 Thousand

Photos & Videos

Copper Lining Lab Testing
Smart PPE Storage